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9 Secrets From People Who Live the Longest


Some things never change. Or at least they don’t change much. As scientists and researchers look for the secrets to living longer, there are the same simple, tried and true characteristics of longevity that have remained the same. This article identifies these secrets. Accidents, and some medical conditions can be unavoidable. Take the time to make changes to improve diet, physical function, cognitive ability, and community involvement. These changes have  benefits that improve anyone’s life regardless of age.

Tips for Improving Quality of Life

  • Physical Therapy: But how do we motivate an older adult who is already struggling with chronic medical conditions and isolation? We are staunch advocates of physical therapy which can be a great way to get someone started on a a modest and consistent exercise program. Some Medicare plans will pay for physical therapy if certain criteria are met although the benefit is time limited. Physical therapy can encourage confidence and provide a sense of empowerment. Outpatient physical therapy has fewer restrictions as long as the client can arrange for transportation to access the benefit.
  • Senior Centers: A great place to socialize and engage in a variety of activities. Many elders express a reluctance to access a senior center due to the unfamiliarity of the experience and the idea that “old people” go there. Senior Centers vary widely in their curriculum and milieu. Call to find out about activities. Many senior centers will transport a participant if they live in a certain catchment area.
  • Learn how to use a computer: Senior centers often have classes. When an elder learns to use a computer the whole world opens up. They can make connections with family members, get medical information and stay informed about world events.

Living longer . Begin these practices now and watch your quality of life improve.


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