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Dear Mindful Aging-An Advice Column for Aging Mindfully

dear mindful aging

Dear Mindful Aging

Here at Mindful Aging, we occasionally receive letters from readers who ask for advice about an aging issue. It might be how to find the right caregiver, it might be how to deal with a sibling who is resistant to helping the parents. We also hear about individual aging issues, like how to stop isolating and where and how to meet people, or how to take the first step in downsizing, or how to ask an adult child to move out.

We invite you to write us with your questions. We are professional experts, but we are only offering general advice. In other words, we want to be helpful, but we cannot be responsible for choices you make based on our advice. At your request, we will change personal details to protect your privacy.

Watch for future columns that start with Dear Mindful Aging. We welcome your feedback and if you have had similar problems and found good solutions, please share and we will add to the post!